Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

Make sense to your own self.

6 min readSep 16, 2019

Make sense to your own self.

You don’t have to try to win anyone’s consent about what you think is going on.

All that is really required to be communicated, is not required to be communicated by you. Love, trust, safety is communicated instantaneously without you trying.

When you attach to a thought, you’ll want to bring it up in communication/ interaction. It may affect other trippers if they also attach to that thought because of this ‘special attention’ to that thought as brought by you.

That thought uses a perspective to come into existence and is no longer the boundless realm it came from. It’s therefore nothing like what your fellow trippers are experiencing otherwise —

The magical realisations of their own being.

Now, for attaching themselves to this thought triggered by your ‘special attention’, fellow trippers have to lose a lot of what they were before.

They will have to stop entertaining a reality they actually are experiencing by themselves.

Their own trip is different. That aperture you’re giving is not them. It’s not where they trip like the trippers they are. Thus they start to feel under-equipped, unprepared. Since it seems so off to their original magical trip; they tend to feel scared- that’s a cold feeling of not knowing. Just listening to a thought and attaching with it is not a replacement for actually knowing it. Until they ‘know’, that pain stays.

So, not really ‘knowing’ and only attaching to ideas renders the trippers scared.

If you invest great energy in communicating a thought like that, it’s more likely for fellow trippers to attach without really knowing and eventually feel scared.

If they attached, they’ll have to hold that aperture; at least until they realise by themselves. Bringing into own realisation can take very long. Their own trip might be totally different from the one which led to such an aperture. Holding this aperture for that long can be tiring. Being in that scared state is not sustainable. They must either detach from that thought, or try to bring it into their own realisation quickly so that their pain ends.

If they choose not to detach, they’ll unfortunately resort to trying hard to realise those things. Their whole trip becomes about trying to trip a way that doesn’t come naturally to them.

Forcing that attachment is like now gripping that aperture even harder and it thus becomes even more tiring. The load of not knowing feels heavier.

These trippers continue feeling ‘scared’ and the load keeps on increasing. This is anyway not the kind of trip that could lead them to ‘that thought’ their attachment started with. That aperture did not come from the kind of tiring trips they’ve started to live now. Therefore, this way doesn’t lead them to ever realise that exact thought. The scared state shall never come to an end by this way. This load would keep tiring them for entirety of the trip.

Therefore trying to realise after attaching is futile.

And tiring.

That’ll just tire them to the end. What those attached trippers would do at this point is to look for other means of getting rid of that scary feeling. While the pain of not knowing can be eliminated only by knowing; it can be suppressed for some time by undergoing some very overwhelming experiences which redeem them of this pain momentarily —

Listening to music, smoking a joint etc.

These trippers now start to trip on two things. Trying to force realisation in half the time, and involving these potent overwhelming experiences in the other half when they feel really tired by that, only to face their attachment again, where it again calls for knowing. They must force learning and then retreat again. This keeps going without an end.

In the first phase, all they were doing was trying to realise that thought. In this second phase, half of their trip is lived in these retreats which are not relevant in regard to realisation. Thus they actually recede further from what they seek. If the retreat is taken away, they’ll have to face that pain all the time. It will tire them like anything. That load will keep them scared all the time the trip’s on. Their entirety of trip becomes all about seeking retreats from the pain of not knowing, and being scared and uncomfortable otherwise.

Just by attaching to that one thought, fellow trippers have now become dependant on retreats to live comfortably across the trip.

Had they not attached to that thought, they would have been tripping the easy way and would always know what’s the deal there. With all this knowing comes bliss. They would see things as it appears naturally to them. The fantastic magics of their trip would serve them to the fullest. Backed by the amazing beauty of their ongoing trip, with the confidence of knowing it all, trippers venture into the places and thoughts not previously part of their trips. They enjoy the bounties of the trip to the fullest. It might still take an eternity for that thought in question to come to their experience but they’ll be enjoying the trip so much that the time would seem to pass much quicker. The eternity required to realise that thought would seem closer. Such a tripper anyway doesn’t want to reach there. His trip is perfect already.

Just by not attaching himself to a particular thought, the tripper undergoes a incomparably beautiful experience and immediately reaches much closer to ‘actually realising that thought’ than the other folks who are losing their shit for no avail.

It will be a great service to your fellow trippers to not feed them any aperture as more significant than the others which might make their attachment and the misery to ensue more probable.

Any attempt to force an aperture is making your fellows vulnerable to a very discomforting experience. Such attempts are usually done by those who are lost themselves.

The ones who don’t get it at all, are usually seen campaigning hard for singular perspectives as an attempt to force bring those perspectives into their own realisation.

These people obviously never reach the knowing and their passion makes a lot of other people also lose way and regress into misery. Such an approach makes for a bad trip for all other trippers who attached plus the campaigner guy itself ends up more loaded than he was before. Such a compulsive communicating is therefore a loss-loss for all trippers.

An all inclusive tripper is not obsessed to cue in fellow trippers into any singular perspective and they’re more likely to keep tripping on their own and have magical trips.

Just by tripping a way that comes naturally to him, and not unnecessarily falling prey to ‘belief’, a tripper makes a beautiful trip more likely for potentially many more fellow trippers, while having a beautiful experience of his own.

This man doesn’t really have to do anything to arrive at that sacred status. All he has to do is not sabotage his own trip.

Anyone who literally does this bare minimum act of not sabotaging their own trip, just simply enjoys the kind of trip he has been gifted with to the full, becomes a sacred man.

What you realise by yourself, gives you bliss and satisfaction of knowing. The only way to NOT have that blissful and satisfied trip and getting pain/loads/need for retreats, is to sabotage the expression of your realisation, by choosing to attach to something you don’t know by yourself.

Every time you’re trying to realise what doesn’t come effortlessly to you, you are ensuring a painful and fruitless experience for yourself.

In such a trip, you’ll be inclined to communicate that alien aperture to fellow trippers thus pushing them to a bad experience as well.

Whenever you don’t live your own true trip you make everyone’s trip miserable.

The best and probably only way to ensure bliss for whole squad is to ensure bliss for your own self so you don’t have to force in any beliefs.

The only real service you can do to the mankind is to explore your own trip to the best.

The worst disservice will probably be to suppress your trip against an aperture.

